Home > Wellbeing Network Client Feedback Form

The wellbeing Network is a service with 9 partnering organisations. We welcome and value compliments, complaints and suggestions about our services and our staff.    This form is used to capture feedback on whether you are satisfied with the customer service received, the service(s) used and to tell us any improvements that we may need to make.   Your feedback is very important and can support the Wellbeing Network in many ways, below are some of the ways we might use it and we would like your permission to do so.

Thank you!

We may use client feedback to enhance our website, provide information to our funders, for our leaflets and for fundraising purposes. If used anonymously, do you consent to us using your feedback in these ways?
If your feedback is about a specific member of staff are you happy for us to pass this on to them directly with your name?
Please copy and paste the Network ID. This is a combination of letters and numbers provided by your facilitator. It looks like this: 0064J00000JdBoe
Did you use these services in person or remotely?

Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:

I was happy with the service I received
I was listened to by staff and volunteers
My difficulties were understood by staff and volunteers
I was treated with respect by staff and volunteers
I felt involved in making choices about my care plan
The staff that supported me were skilled and knowledgeable
The service helped me with my difficulties
I received help that mattered to me

Please leave your contact details below and tick this box if:

You would like to be contacted about your comments
You would like to be involved in the improvement, management and development of the Wellbeing Network. This may include being on an interview panel, designing new services or decision making about current services

If you have asked to be contacted about your comments we will respond within four weeks Mind CHWF will store your information securely and will only use the contact details provided here in order to respond to your feedback. By submitting this form you are providing your consent for us to process your information for this purpose. If you have also provided us your contact details etc to us for another purpose  those permissions will remain unaffected Our full privacy policy can be found on our website: Privacy Notice Policy

Thank you!

For decorative purposes only