Home > News and Events > It’s time to press play on mental health.

In the last two UK General Elections, every major political party pledged to take action on mental health. Despite these promises, the UK’s mental health has been stuck on pause for too long. It’s time to press play.

While politicians have been paying lip service to the growing conversation on mental health, little has changed for those of us trying to get support for our mental health.

This isn’t good enough. Politicians can’t keep mental health on pause any longer. It’s time to press play for better mental health.

As a part of the Mind network we, along with other local mind branches and the national Mind, demand change.

Here are our priorities.


Press play on modernising the mental health act

Being sectioned under the Mental Health Act can be one of the most traumatic things to happen to you. When at your most vulnerable you can have your freedom and dignity taken away.

The 1983 Mental Health Act is out of date and discriminatory. Understanding of mental health has changed radically and the Act is in urgent need of reform. In the last year over 40,000 people have been sectioned under an out of date mental health act.

A year ago, an independent review made recommendations to address its failings. We are still waiting for these changes to be made.

It’s time to press play on modernising the Mental Health Act.


Press play on services which provide the right care, in the right place, at the right time

The NHS in England is at the forefront of providing support for those of us with mental health problems. Services and staff are currently under massive strain. It needs to be well-funded and well-staffed.

For too long, those of us with mental health problems have had to put up with poor services. Only one in three people with common mental health problems currently have access to treatment and support.

We need the UK Government to invest in NHS infrastructure and workforce if we are to see meaningful change for people trying to access support.

It’s time to press play on services which provide the right care, in the right place, at the right time


Press play on a better benefits system for people with mental health problems


The current benefits system isn’t working for people with mental health problems and the UK Government has admitted this.

We hear from people every day who are not getting the support they need or being treated fairly. All too often, people are forced to jump through hoops to access support, causing unnecessary stress and anxiety.

Political inaction means people are stuck in a vicious circle of poor mental health and financial insecurity. Nine in ten people with mental health problems say they have seen their mental health get worse because of worries about an upcoming benefit assessment.

We need the UK Government to press play on their promises for a system that treats us with respect, protects us from poverty, and supports everyone to live independently.

It’s time to press play on a better benefits system for people with mental health problems.

Press play on protecting mental health at work

300,000 of us with long term mental health problems fall out of work every year. Right now, many of us with mental health problems do not have the rights and protections at work that we need.

All of us with mental health problems should be able to feel safe and secure in work. And that must include when we take time off sick and protect us from discrimination. No-one should pay such a high price for having to take time off work for their mental health.

The UK Government must do more to better protect our rights at work

It’s time to press play on protecting mental health at work.


At Mind in the City, Hackney and Waltham Forest, we see the impact of the inaction of politicians on local people every day. This election, we urge you to contact your MP or speak to people canvassing at your door on the behalf of a political party and ask them what they are doing to press play on mental health.


Join our campaign: http://bit.ly/2D2VuL1

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